Personality Quiz
Dosha and Constitutional Typing Quiz - What is your Ayurveda constitutional type?
Quiz introduction
In Ayurveda there are three main body types also known as doshas: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha which we often refer to as Air, Fire, and Earth types. These body type determinations often help us in identif
ying root causes in addition to symptoms and determining what will be the most effective in help us heal. Determine your Ayurvedic body type by answering these questions. Check the answer that best fits your long term experience. Each profile will help you understand how you function mentally, emotionally and physically in relation to your overall body type quiz score. If you are looking to get trained in stress reduction, creating relaxation, and elevating your personal health and vitality then look at or have a 15 minute stress reduction strategy session at This 15 minute session is no charge.
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