Personality Quiz
which chainsaw man character do you love like?
Quiz introduction
BEFORE YOU START: - this is a bit of campy fun, ft. me playing with the format for the first time. character pool made up of messy lovers and my own bias. please do not expect anything. - the questio
ns refer to [you] as the reader. the answers, in response, are worded in first person. a [you] appearing in the answer is perhaps the question asker, perhaps a lover, probably both. - you need no prior knowledge of csm to take this quiz. there are implied spoilers in both the results & a few image responses. i've included a few part 2 characters. - the results are limited & are certainly not intended to be a <personality assessment> of any kind. that said, feel free to retake the quiz as many times as you want. i had a lot of fun placing the results alongside each other. - canon typical content warnings. - a massive ty to oomfs on twt and their excellent denji jpeg suggestions. - thank you for taking this! i hope you enjoy!
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