Personality Quiz
What's your patron Principle from Book of Hours?
Quiz introduction
The world of the Secret Histories is governed by the Principles, the forces that underlie and fuel the divinity of the Hours. Which Principle calls you to its worship? A few caveats before we begin:
firstly, I'm no expert on the Secret Histories, I just find them fascinating. This quiz is based on my own interpretation of the Principles, which may have some mistakes and/or not line up with canon. I'm working from a combination of tidbits scavenged from two different games and three different wikis, general vibes, and straight-up guesswork. Don't think of me as an authority on the topic, I'm just a person on the internet who likes making personality quizzes. Secondly, we're dealing in primal forces here. I promise not to linger any longer than I must on topics that might be upsetting, or that could get you in trouble if someone easily scandalized happens to be reading over your shoulder, but I WILL need to mention such things from time to time. To put it in AO3 terms (because I like those), this quiz is pretty solidly M-rated. Thirdly, I like to approach the mysteries of the Mansus with a bit of humor. If you find some of the options in here funny, that's wonderful, and if the humor of a choice is part of its appeal, listen to that appeal. But don't ignore a choice that's calling to you in favor of one that makes you laugh. Finally, I just want to make this known: I will ask you to be a bit vulnerable with me here. Whatever you tell me, I promise not to judge. Stranger things happen among the Know, I guarantee you. Now... shall we?
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