Personality Quiz
Please let me assign you a most probably deranged gay anime bitch with this VERY beefy quiz.
Quiz introduction
Thank you for participating in this study. It will consist of a long quiz sectioned into two distinct parts. The first part consists of getting to the essence of you, through both the literal and the
metaphorical, while the second part consists of establishing your tastes. It is a long quiz, with many potential results. It is advised you grab a drink or snack. Note, there is one mention of homophobic slurs in Q29. There are several mentions of blood, but they are not very graphic. No timed questions, however. All result-characters are most definitely gay/lesbian/bi etc. Visit @drgayanimebabes on tumblr if you have any questions at all. While my username says 'babes', and this is due to character limit, please imagine it says 'bitches' instead. Thank you.
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