Personality Quiz
What type of a cinephile are you?
Quiz introduction
Inspired by the Spotify Music Personality, this quiz relies on the following axes: FAMILIARITY (F) vs. EXPLORATION (E), LOYALTY (L) vs. VARIETY (V), TIMELESSNESS (T) vs. NEWNESS (N), and COMMONALITY (
C) vs. UNIQUENESS (U). Familiarity (F) or Exploration (E) The first is based on how you view films – do you watch works of your favourite filmmakers? (categorized as Familiarity) or do you venture and check bits and pieces from different filmmakers? (categorized as Exploration) Timelessness (T) or Newness (N) The second one is based on your relationship with new and old films. Do you check out new films when they just come out? (called Newness) or do you explore films from various times? (called Timelessness). Loyalty (L) or Variety (V) The third one is based on your loyalty to the films and the directors you like. Do you rewatch films often? (categorized as Loyalty) or do you prefer a variety and explore films outside your comfort zone? (categorized as Variety). Commonality (C) or Uniqueness (U) The last one is based on your beliefs and approaches as a cinephile. Do you watch films that are universally acclaimed and popular, or meet certain filmmaking standards? (Commonality) or do you like films that are more niche, have unconventional approaches, and are less known? (Uniqueness).
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