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The Barn.

I wake in a farmhouse bedroom. There are soft white cotton curtains swaying gently by the open window. There are hardwood floors. The walls are baby blue. There is a blue wool blanket on the top of my bed. There is a teddy bear on a chair in the corner, it is holding a black and yellow walkie-talkie. It is sitting on a pile of clothes. I get up and get dressed. I walk down the stairs into a kitchen, full of younger kids and teenager. I don't recognize them but they also don't seem alarmed by my presence. I sit down at a table with a few of them that seem to be eating scrambled eggs. Suddenly I'm in the field next to the house. There is a boy and two girls with me, all ages 14-18. We are taking the walkie-talkie across the field to a barn sitting at the top of a hill about a quarter mile away. The barn is free-standing, run down with dark wood and a hayloft. We climb up to the hayloft. There are two large holes in the room, one in a wall and one in the roof. As I inspect the hole in the wall, I hear a shriek. The youngest girl is being engulfed in a white light coming through the hole in the roof. There is a flash and she is gone. Me and the two remaining kids walk back to the farmhouse silently. When I get to my room, the teddy-bear is gone.
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