Your Result:

You go a little crazy

You are so spontaneous and fun. You are resourceful and like to come up with solutions on the spot, but are also very reckless. You feel intense wonder about all of the people you have met and all of the people you will meet. Lean into that. You're kind of a mess but in a cool dynamic snazzy way. Everyone's a little bit of a mess ya know. It seems like sometimes you are a bit too out of the box, so maybe you should draw little grids on a piece of paper every morning right when you wake up, just to remind yourself that structure can still exist. Don't be so afraid of running out of time. It will be okay. If you were alive during the salem witch trials you would have been a deadass witch. like straight talking to satan. Tomorrow you will buy something that you will sort of regret buying. I don't know what it is but don't buy it.
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