Select Your uQuiz® Plan

You'll be creating professional looking quizzes in no time

Free Plan
Create fantastic content for your website in no time at all, it’s so easy!
Sign up now to get access to our amazing quiz maker - no credit card required.
Designed to work on screens of all sizes.
Pro Plan
Take your quizzes to the next level. Perfect for brands and marketers.
Only $10 USD a month
14 Day Free Trial
Go Pro
Generate Leads
Collect email addresses with an advert at the end of each quiz.
Drive Traffic
Link to your website and turn your quiz takers into visitors to your website.
Facebook likes and X (formerly Twitter) follows
Invite your quiz takers to like your Facebook page and follow your X (formerly Twitter) account and the end of each of your quizzes.
Advanced Quiz Customization
Customise how your quiz looks - set a background image, accent colour, text colour, created by name and more.
Unlimited quizzes
Use our fantastic quiz maker to create as many scored and personality quizzes as you like that work on computers and mobile devices alike.
Password Protected Quizzes
Add passwords to your quiz and specify the number of times that the passwords can be used, giving you full control over who takes your quiz.
No Adverts on your Quizzes
Your quizzes and quiz making experience is completely free of advertisements.
X (formerly Twitter) Share Customization
Specify your own custom tweets for when quiz takers share their result on X (formerly Twitter), instead of the default message. A tweet can be specified for each scored quiz or for each personality type depending on your quiz type.