Personality Silhouette

Personality Quiz Maker

Experience the De Facto of Personality Quiz Making!

What is a Personality Quiz?

A Personality Quiz is an exciting way to determine someone's personality type.

Every possible answer has an associated personality type assigned by you!

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Your Personalities,
Your Quizzes, Your Rules

You choose the possible personality outcomes for your personality quizzes - so you can get creative!

From super-heros to super-villains, the office clown to a successful entrepreneur, your favourite celebrities and film stars or why not make up your own?

Ideas for personality types.
Personality images shown on X (formerly Twitter)

Let your Personalities
Shine Through on social media

Watch your quiz personalities come to life on X (formerly Twitter), as your personality images are shown as an image gallery on your tweets!

Notification menu showing latest quiz takers and final results

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uQuiz® gives you notifications as soon as someone finishes taking your quiz.

Notifications keep you up to date with your takers, you'll be watching their results as they happen within seconds!

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